Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Cipralex Do To The Brain?

The wall in the head ....

Now the wall, so the former East Germany already over 20 years
away and people should get used to it! Only a few diehard
alls my blather about it have yet to ....
A doctor here in Bavaria (Franken) introduced me to a diagnosis with the words: "Oh will come, they from Berlin, no wonder the East could not even diagnosed
Huh? Where did the study because, in Nigeria?
I thought it was so outrageous to me to not much remembered, so
was speechless!
I am is from Berlin / Tempelhof and any local knowledge know where
is that! Constantly we are asked "West or East Berlin?"
Who cares, is from Berlin-containing and good!
My daughter works in the restaurant and can sing a song like this ...
repeatedly guests who know exactly where it came from and my wish to share their pseudo
generous with her knowledge ....
"rural children are more intelligent, Tag höhö !"...." Since I am from the east !"....
"city kids know nothing !"... "We're tolerant!"
. Tempelhof I know, is located in eastern Thuringia !"...." They come from ?"...
Yes this smart aleck think they are the intellectual elite of Germany and
pfriemeln farewell their lemon slices in schmalhalsige vases!
Even people expect from a migrant background clairvoyant abilities
reached in terms of order and be smug when they hear the Berlin
immigrant its easy!
Fits only on their idiots in other countries to hack
from people like you for your insolence, the left hand!!
one lemon in the vase!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Software Exception C0000005 Solved

flu, relatives and more disasters ....

I just in a bad mood * snort *... Someone aus meiner
Familie hat drei Monate gebraucht um mir eine Antwort zu geben!
Ich bin echt geladen, sagt die Pflaume doch ich hätte auch zurückrufen
können! Boah, ohne mich wäre der Kontakt doch längst Geschichte!!!
Aber da ich die Jungs sehen will, kann ich ihr leider nicht direkt sagen
was ich von ihr halte....Das sie eine egoistische,selbstverliebte,sich total
überschätzende,schlechte,an einer Sozialphobie leidende, ungefickte ,
frustrierte,rumnölende,schlechte Laune verbreitende Rabenmutter ist!
Das sind nur die wichtigsten Sachen die mir so spontan einfallen....
Die Jungs wären gern gekommen,aber jetzt hat Junior einen Rückfall
get and lies flat with the flu ... Well, would thus be done
my short vacation to visit relatives! Unless I would like to infect older folks
insidious and bring life in danger ...

The guys are actually not and I could sit here and cry
! * Sigh *...
Regardless, I'll stay here in the beautiful snowy containing Upper Franconia and
annoyed me more than blink and Franks muffle their mouths do not get open!
Let me continue shopping in their heels and learn to be self-experiment in
Frankish ...

1.I blinke not anymore! 2.I always greet
nicht mehr!
  3.Ich schaue alle böse an!
  4.Ich fahre Leuten in die Hacken und tue als wäre nichts!
  5.Ich fahre mit 100 km/h durch Dörfer!
  6.Ich denke mir einen Dialekt aus und unterhalte mich lautstark!
  7.Ich parke nur noch auf Behinderten Parkplätzen!
  8.Ich gehe auf jedes Fest und besauf mich ordentlich.Danach fahre ich
   mit meinem Auto Schlangenlinien!
  9.Ich schimpfe über Zugezogene und schüttel bei ihrem Anblick den
10.Ich rede von Umweltschutz und kippe meinen Müll neben den

    Ich glaube ich werde das hinbekommen ,aber will ich das wirklich?
    Hoffentlich finde ich meine gute Laune schnell wieder....

Friday, January 14, 2011

Breville Breadmaster Breadmaker

@ Robby: I am the shadow Springer

Just as I think you have the talent for a thousand books ...
Every time I read something from your blog, I think I am the word waste in person ...

content / subject:

It is a pure fantasy book, what annoys me alone so already, because there currently are so many fantasy books on the market every year and so many new ones are, you will want to shoot, almost.
But what can you do. I grew up with fantasy, have already started with thirteen write. At fourteen, I have already written a book, but I was never as good to publish it.

I am unfortunately one of those people who attach great importance to the opinions of others. That's weak, I know. I should not be so, but it is difficult to change if you had 21 years so alive.

In books and in general all what you write is so much passion and strength and imagination, any negative comment is even more serious than usual
started when I had to let the new book by my friend proofread, I each have sometimes flinch when he said: "You Honey, maybe you should not be here ... " or "here I would change"

is the book of a young man named Killian. Killian's tall, dark haired, but invested more gangly. Three years ago he was made an immortal, and since then his life is no longer what it once true. He acknowledges other immortals behind the dirt, kill to survive while still trying as normal as possible to be. His
Shadow * "Cutter" provided him with orders, otherwise it is not really a help to him because he spends more time with his drugs, as with his work. One day
replaced by Killian Cutter "the job" even bad. He is to kill one of the largest enclaves leaders at all, so that its area falls to the Society, a clan that has only Mayfair and St. James (London) called conquest could.
Killian followed these leaders so now, but just before he can kill him (yes. .. even immortals can be killed under certain circumstances) it is another before.
The unknown will now also attack Killian, and a young woman who observed the whole scene (she is the way the sister of the murdered clan leader, but a human). Killian manages to repel him, noting the behavior of the unknown, that it was changed recently, and not even know what it is exactly. Killian has now to a young woman on the neck and the unknowns to be removed under the laws of the Society must thus preventing major damage. With the help of the young woman he manages to kill the man. An error, as it turns out later.

to go from here I will not tell, but I can say that Killian falls in love with this woman and it all ends in a war whose cause Killian is only to save what he loves.
Es geht um Liebe, Familie, Freundschaft und die Frage, was wir bereit sind zu tun, um glücklich und frei zu sein. Es geht um Entscheidungen, um unvorhergesehenes und um die Frage, wie Liebe in einer Welt funktionieren kann, in dem der eine Mensch dem anderen ein Wolf ist. In der jeder zuerst an sich selbst denkt, bevor er versteht, um was es wirklich geht...

*Schatten sind Menschen, die eine Jahrelange Ausbildung hinter sich haben, sie werden unabhängigen Unsterblichen zugeteilt, die sich weigern, sich einem Clan bzw. einer Enklave anzuschließen und ihr Leben alleine bestreiten wollen. Schatten passen auf, dass ihr Schützling nicht gegen Regeln verstößt, die Menschen nicht aufklärt on their nature or otherwise irgenwas do what you can not. Shadows are able to kill the Independent should be aufmucken.

some point you have to jump even thought about his shadow, right?

PS: Please ignore the spelling mistakes, I, I'm in a hurry ...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Home Remedies For Dark Colored Peach Fuzz

cinema I come ...

I was still as sharp as a movie on this ...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Harold Kumar Bottomless Party Blonde

Welcome to the new year 2011!

Was wird es bringen?
Werde ich meine Wünsche realisieren können oder
wird es wieder ein Jahr des *vielleicht* oder *mal sehen*?

Die letzten Jahre waren etwas festgefahren und nicht
unbedingt erfolgreich zu nennen....
Für die Kid's war alles super,aber reicht das?
Also ich möchte mehr...

Dieses Jahr ist eine Menge geplant und ich freue mich
schon darauf!
Ich werde mich bemühen öfters und regelmässiger zu
schreiben.Bin da recht faul geworden und gelobe

Habe gerade meine alte Leidenschaft des Kartenlegens
wieder entdeckt.
Laut den Karten wird es ein erfolgreiches Twitter Jahr!
Ich bin gespannt und sollte eigentlich gleich wieder mit
dem twittern anfangen....
Manchmal gibt das RL die tollsten Geschichten vor .
War aber meistens zu faul oder habe es vergessen!
Das wird dieses Jahr nicht geschehen!

Mit diesen grandiosen Vorsätzen werde ich mich in
meinen Account stürzen und Ideen sammeln....

Tschüssikowski werte Leser....