Wednesday, July 21, 2010

2002 Jeep Liberty Radiator Fan Relay

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrfffffffffff .....

evening, 20.10 clock.
My friend and I are sitting relaxed on the sofa, can end the evening, a light breeze blowing, we have just fine to eat evening and my friend ...

... can drive one. So loudly and so long that I thought only an airplane flies over. and instead of apologizing, he has discharged these same fart right next to me he says: "Have you heard very well the bird"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Burning When Urinating On Period

alone together ...

If you find the error?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Brown Bugs In My Pantry

No, because isses already?

Meine Tochter hat Geburstag,aber ich verrate nicht wie alt sie wird!Das würde mich irgendwie auch alt machen,hihi...
Die Zeit verrennt und kaum hat man ein Jahr gut hinter sich gebracht,zack,ist schon wieder eins vorbei.Ich kann mich noch gut an die ersten Jahre erinnern,der erste Schritt,das erste Fahrrad,der erste Freund und erste Liebeskummer.Und nun,Jahre später überrascht sie mich immer noch mit ihrer Neugier und Vorstellungskraft.Sie macht mich stolz und glücklich und ich hoffe, das ich ihr den Tag schön machen kann.Der Kuchen ist fertig,die Geschenke eingepackt und mein Herz weit offen...Willkommen im neuem Lebensjahr....

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Humidify A Ball Python Cage

stress pimples and car polish

Warum denkt eigentlich jeder mir was andrehen zukönnen.Hab ich "bekloppt" auf der Stirn stehen,oder warum werd immer ich angequatscht?Nein ich will nichts kaufen,ich habe keinen Bedarf an Autopolitur und ich brauche keine Staubsaugerbeutel!
Ich möchte Vormittags keinen Alcohol try and try, no snacks, damn, I want to buy a loaf of bread and not boost the German economy ....

rings back into the car and go home, as even the telephone and incredibly good-humored caller congratulates Supidupi income with travel and also for two ... How could I find the knowledge they want. "Where's the catch?" I ask and get to hear that I had to take only a small, modest subscription and you could go to a hotel of my choice.
Now I should be happy about this bottomless well audacity to? I decline with thanks, and am asked if I would have needed to make a profit ...
I get spontaneous stress pimples and popping up the phone, impudence ...

But now quickly get the mail out of the box, but again only advertising and a lottery company promises me a number six with extra ...

Is this the future? The people are irritated with no end to this Werbefuzzis lurking everywhere ... The stand in discount stores, about to call an at home, Müllen mailbox and mailboxes full ... I do not need Viagra and am also no super good deal, whatever, interested!
raced one point I made once and move the car polish seller's revolutionary mix in the butt!
So, I just had to go a second, snort ...