Friday, June 20, 2008

Percentage Of Woman Tried Brazzillian Waxing

erzliberales A program for the FDP

Dirk Friedrich hat auf 10-Punkte vorgelegt, die es aus Höchberger JuLi-Sicht auf jeden Fall wert wären, innerparteilich in einer Strategiedebatte "Quo vadis FDP?" breit diskutiert zu werden:

1. Abschaffung der Ökosteuer . In Zeiten hoher Ölpreise vermag die Aussicht auf niedrigere Preise an der Tankstelle ein großes Wählerpotential zu erreichen. Die sog. Gegenfinanzierung ist belanglos. Jede abgeschaffte Steuer ist besser als eine erhobene. Die Finanzierung über Schulden besser als durch neue Steuern. Die Finance through the elimination of direct subsidies, better than with debt. In the case of the eco-tax, the counterpart funding will be plausibly explained by reductions in coal subsidies, and by deleting all EEG direct subsidies. Whether such - the irrational and emotional voter over used - realistic explanation is, is a question that is irrelevant. The important thing is that the voters like .

second withdrawal from Afghanistan . The deployment of German troops in Afghanistan and by the police in this and other countries is necessary. Germany is not defended there. The use must be declared as a defense euphemistic Need to at least create the possibility of a constitutional commitment. Potential voters, hundreds of thousands of pacifist Social Democrats.

third end of the retention . Which did not not even started yet. But what should a politician prevent loudly demand their abolition. The Schäuble 2.0 movement has plenty of young voters who are opposed to the regulation of the Internet and anti-surveillance in general. Here there are numerous opportunities for populist demands.

4th end of the CO2 tax . Certainly 20% of the voting cattle not believe in a man-made global warming or give a waste that their actions could warm the planet. Lack of alternatives, such a clientele that is just simply too much of querulous, take all other objectives of a party to purchase, even if it runs contrary to their interests, if only someone einsteht against the climate of terror.

5th free trade. The advocacy of unconditional free trade is an effective way, the restrictions of EU and WTO to undermine. The call for the immediate abolition of all tariffs and import quotas leads to a negotiated position that concessions to the EU for further regulations may make it a condition that the other EU countries advocate of free trade. Since that will not happen, the EU would be put together with their liberty-limiting negative impacts on hold.

6th abolition of the GEZ . Hatred of the public television is growing. The demand for abolition of the GEZ is populist in the sense that the existence of a GEZ itself says nothing about the privatization of state broadcasting. But this is really the underlying claim.

7th leave of the Chambers and the Chambers of Crafts . The compulsory membership should be abolished. The established trades and industries are targeted at a liberal political party in any case not in question. Each young companies are the Zwangsmitgliedschaften ein Dorn im Auge und bestenfalls ein Stachel im Allerwertesten. Hunderttausende junger Selbständiger und Unternehmer werden auf eine liberale Partei aufmerksam. In dem Zuge werden still, heimlich und leise auch die Zwangsmitgliedschaften in Rechtsanwalts-, Architekten- und anderen Kammern mit abgeschafft.

8. Ende des Schornsteinfegermonopols . Millionen Bürger sind jährlich betroffen. Allenfalls einige hundert Wähler gehen verloren bei einer vehementen Forderung nach Abschaffung des Schornsteinfegermonopols.

9. Keine Sozialtransfers an neu zugereiste Ausländer . Klar, populistisch - kommt aber immer gut an. Man muss ja nicht gleich sagen, dass eine liberale Partei für the general abolition of HIV must occur - without replacement. If it hits as a group earlier than the other, then it must be no excitement.

10th end of the solos . The East has reached the western level (or the West has reached Ostniveau). In the West, home to 65 million, 15 million people in the east. A fifth of the Eastern electorate chooses the PDSED which are inaccessible to vote, and largely traditional system profiteers for a liberal party. How stupid must one be a party when one plays out as not the Westerners against the East Germans?


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