I've never died so blatantly ...
... like last night in my dream.
I always thought if you die in a dream, wake up, especially since I am can not remember ever to have died in a dream ...
I think sometimes I am crazy , dream if I so much. Either I see too much TV, use too much make-up which I pasted the head or I have too much sex, yes to anything it lie.
to my dream: I was sitting in a
A rt B ahn , similar to the W aggons an A chterbahn and I was not alone in it, were behind me more W aggons each 2 P ersons , I sat in front. And this B ahn is driven into it very quickly in a T unnel and then stopped abruptly.
oment For a short M I'm in a dream: "Something is wrong, step out .
But since no one else got out I was sitting and I do not think I would have had enough time to get out because the B ahn immediately began to back up and then everything happened very quickly.
I've only heard the screams and the W ind felt and realized that I rdboden the e hurtling .
I've been joining the A pinched together and I also really noticeable I'm added to the B oden and my bones are broken.
I have felt, but there was no S chmerz there.
Then I was suddenly in complete safety D ark. There was absolutely nothing there that somehow maybe L threw .
But I realized that I was in an A rt R aum am and that I am not alone.
I think there were other eople M and T but iere sure I'm not.
I'm loud G eräusche heard as if something to reach for the M eople around me and then were it less and less. I had "snapped" to be afraid and have it but somehow managed to make L maybe, like, I did not at first.
I'm the one that wanted to take me down, and suddenly everything was bright but there were no F arbe , the earth beneath my feet was black, there were only a few plants and B REAS , but all black and H immel was white, but not bright, but as a dark dirty white, almost gray.
Before me lay a S ee , the silver was and there were no waves.
I could not even really on the S ee go, I am neither sunken nor anything else. Alles war tot. Nicht einmal ein W ind hat geweht und es war so unglaublich ruhig.
Dann stand ich auf einmal in einer A rt K irche , ich hatte ein langes weißes T uch um meinen K örper gewickelt und stand dort, wo J esus immer am K reuz hängt, direkt unter diesen riesigen F enstern und vor mir ein großes weißes T or , dessen D urchgang irgendwie waberte , so als würde die L uft dazwischen flirren .
Rechts und links von dem Tor saßen F iguren , M enschen vll . I can not remember, but all behind the T orbogen .
And I do not know why I did , but I knew she wanted me to go.
I disappear, and indeed altogether.
To my left was a K ores on one of these S chulterhohen S all intents, it is often in churches.
I have my H down changes to the flame and I fully focused on them and they have felt their warmth Date and suddenly I had the flame directly in the H and .
VII. I have something of that kind in this dark room at the very beginning made, I'm not sure.
end As my T room, I think I have this "W esen" in the K HURCH burned down, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, I then woke up, but I've never dreamed in my whole life so violently.
Am I crazy or have you ever dreamed something that you seemed so incredibly real?
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