@ Robby: I am the shadow Springer
Just as I think you have the talent for a thousand books ...
Every time I read something from your blog, I think I am the word waste in person ...
content / subject:
It is a pure fantasy book, what annoys me alone so already, because there currently are so many fantasy books on the market every year and so many new ones are, you will want to shoot, almost.
But what can you do. I grew up with fantasy, have already started with thirteen write. At fourteen, I have already written a book, but I was never as good to publish it.
I am unfortunately one of those people who attach great importance to the opinions of others. That's weak, I know. I should not be so, but it is difficult to change if you had 21 years so alive.
In books and in general all what you write is so much passion and strength and imagination, any negative comment is even more serious than usual
started when I had to let the new book by my friend proofread, I each have sometimes flinch when he said: "You Honey, maybe you should not be here ... " or "here I would change"
is the book of a young man named Killian. Killian's tall, dark haired, but invested more gangly. Three years ago he was made an immortal, and since then his life is no longer what it once true. He acknowledges other immortals behind the dirt, kill to survive while still trying as normal as possible to be. His
Shadow * "Cutter" provided him with orders, otherwise it is not really a help to him because he spends more time with his drugs, as with his work. One day
replaced by Killian Cutter "the job" even bad. He is to kill one of the largest enclaves leaders at all, so that its area falls to the Society, a clan that has only Mayfair and St. James (London) called conquest could.
Killian followed these leaders so now, but just before he can kill him (yes. .. even immortals can be killed under certain circumstances) it is another before.
The unknown will now also attack Killian, and a young woman who observed the whole scene (she is the way the sister of the murdered clan leader, but a human). Killian manages to repel him, noting the behavior of the unknown, that it was changed recently, and not even know what it is exactly. Killian has now to a young woman on the neck and the unknowns to be removed under the laws of the Society must thus preventing major damage. With the help of the young woman he manages to kill the man. An error, as it turns out later.
to go from here I will not tell, but I can say that Killian falls in love with this woman and it all ends in a war whose cause Killian is only to save what he loves.
Es geht um Liebe, Familie, Freundschaft und die Frage, was wir bereit sind zu tun, um glücklich und frei zu sein. Es geht um Entscheidungen, um unvorhergesehenes und um die Frage, wie Liebe in einer Welt funktionieren kann, in dem der eine Mensch dem anderen ein Wolf ist. In der jeder zuerst an sich selbst denkt, bevor er versteht, um was es wirklich geht...
*Schatten sind Menschen, die eine Jahrelange Ausbildung hinter sich haben, sie werden unabhängigen Unsterblichen zugeteilt, die sich weigern, sich einem Clan bzw. einer Enklave anzuschließen und ihr Leben alleine bestreiten wollen. Schatten passen auf, dass ihr Schützling nicht gegen Regeln verstößt, die Menschen nicht aufklärt on their nature or otherwise irgenwas do what you can not. Shadows are able to kill the Independent should be aufmucken.
some point you have to jump even thought about his shadow, right?
PS: Please ignore the spelling mistakes, I, I'm in a hurry ...
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