In November 2009 I got my Lapptop and a great love
took its course!
I had not ever smoked I need one?
I had not always nagging my children when I'm "very short"
went to the Net? Well that was then end, for my Läppi
is my great love and nothing and nobody can take me!
Then I signed up on Twitter and was only
intimidated because all were so familiar with each other. The @ FrolleinEulchen
Followerin was my first, I thank her today * * knutsch
my restraint, but then he pretty quickly
given when the first nice Follower chatted with me and I am
followerfriday further recommended. I kept it because it helped me very early
more People become acquainted with and to follow.
Twitter This world is a microcosm of our actual life and
is addictive! I know what I mean .... Some examples:
I get up and see quickly if Twitter is still there ... or I'll buy from
must look urgently and if I have a
Mention ... My opinion is also what happens great, because
I must now, you guessed it, tweet it all!
I have such nice people on my TL I know in RL
hätte.Da never learned my love @ wonnie80 with which I have done so on the TL
all kinds of nonsense would be. Our qualified
Comments on American Idol or the Super Talent
were legendary and gave us an extra account (@ die3Verrueckten)! There we started our Internet
career, but that's another story and another
tells time!
I also know some may already be there and there are a few to
* hach * Even a Twitter love story, I experience now, it's just great
... (not me!)
I can not list them all but I like you all very much. My Twitter
large family, one is always there to chat ...
I thank you!
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