long time I was gone, but life happens to be no bed of roses.
The reason why I was gone for so long, is the following:
I thought, now is where my life financially difficult and I no longer the youngest cat in the world am (as a blonde chick named Daniel Katz pushed me from the throne), should I even begin to rake in money.
So I devises a diabolical plan: (at this point to you is a devilish laugh before)
The first thing I thought of my clothes off and stranger men dirty sex in beds of a 15.8 motels to have but then I thought to myself ,
that would be too easy.
Then I thought about it just in the Bundesbank invade, to crack the code of the safe use of Matt Parkman and me through countless millions to Ireland and to all my life but then dry baked scones I thought,
would be too easy.
Then I thought, and I found was the best idea I ever had to slit my friend with a razor of Sweeny Todd's neck and tarts to make with meat that I sell all over the world, but then I thought,
no, I'm just a
Hackebeil from IKEA.
So I did something very devious and wrote a book.
Next week or maybe a few days (There is a capture and an end and a middle section) has sooner or later I blog a reading test. Good comments will be blogged by me. Bad I am sending a letter bomb.
And you know what?
The power-BOOM!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Free Wacth Xerex Movie
thank you.
She lives just for us.
For no other. We are the reason why they lose hope not, why they fight and always continue. Perhaps she would be dead if we were not.
It'll do me, dabein we do nothing. We are just there. We live. We grow to be older. And her last. She fights to get us growing up, and I do not know how to thank her for that. I am so happy that it's there, and I could not do without them.
My life would not be what it is now, even if it already is no longer what it once was 3 years ago, more than anything (almost) completely was in order. Nevertheless, I am grateful. For each Second, minute, hour with her. Because I know how bad it was before, and that nothing is taken for granted.
I'm not happy about the situation, that had to go through what she goes through and still not quite sure, but I try to see the positive in it.
I, has shown us what life gives us that so much of what we see and accept just not there for everyone is that it can be otherwise. I am now about little things, see things differently and I fear that everything could be over soon. But the Hoffunung dies last, and that is hopefully never.
Thank you, that you do not lose courage,
die Kraft behältst, den Willen hast. Ich liebe dich.
Und ich wünsche mir, dass ich dir zurückgeben kann, was du mir gibst.
Ich wünschte, ich müsste das hier nie schreiben, weil es keinen Grund gibt, dann wäre alles einfacher.
Aber das ist es nicht. So ist das Leben.
She lives just for us.
For no other. We are the reason why they lose hope not, why they fight and always continue. Perhaps she would be dead if we were not.
It'll do me, dabein we do nothing. We are just there. We live. We grow to be older. And her last. She fights to get us growing up, and I do not know how to thank her for that. I am so happy that it's there, and I could not do without them.
My life would not be what it is now, even if it already is no longer what it once was 3 years ago, more than anything (almost) completely was in order. Nevertheless, I am grateful. For each Second, minute, hour with her. Because I know how bad it was before, and that nothing is taken for granted.
I'm not happy about the situation, that had to go through what she goes through and still not quite sure, but I try to see the positive in it.
I, has shown us what life gives us that so much of what we see and accept just not there for everyone is that it can be otherwise. I am now about little things, see things differently and I fear that everything could be over soon. But the Hoffunung dies last, and that is hopefully never.
Thank you, that you do not lose courage,
die Kraft behältst, den Willen hast. Ich liebe dich.
Und ich wünsche mir, dass ich dir zurückgeben kann, was du mir gibst.
Ich wünschte, ich müsste das hier nie schreiben, weil es keinen Grund gibt, dann wäre alles einfacher.
Aber das ist es nicht. So ist das Leben.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Three Year Old With Fever And Chills
the stories that you read but never write
Ich hab' schon wieder Nichts zu schreiben.
mir brennen die Dinge auf der Seele, aber ich kann sie einfach nicht in Worte fassen. Ich würde so vieles gern aufschreiben, in Buchstaben verpacken & nett umschreiben, aber irgendwo auf dem Weg von Seele zu Gehirn zu Hand/Mund geht es verloren.
Wie auch immer, ich sitz' hier rum, höre traurige Musik und fühle mich schlecht.
Gott, wie sehr ich mich bemitleide, und wie sehr ich dann auch noch will, dass andere mich bemitleiden. Vergesst das alles wieder & wartet, wenn ihr Lust habt, auf die Tage, an denen ich wieder gute Laune & gute Dinge zum Schreiben habe. Sorry.
Ich hab' schon wieder Nichts zu schreiben.
mir brennen die Dinge auf der Seele, aber ich kann sie einfach nicht in Worte fassen. Ich würde so vieles gern aufschreiben, in Buchstaben verpacken & nett umschreiben, aber irgendwo auf dem Weg von Seele zu Gehirn zu Hand/Mund geht es verloren.
Wie auch immer, ich sitz' hier rum, höre traurige Musik und fühle mich schlecht.
Gott, wie sehr ich mich bemitleide, und wie sehr ich dann auch noch will, dass andere mich bemitleiden. Vergesst das alles wieder & wartet, wenn ihr Lust habt, auf die Tage, an denen ich wieder gute Laune & gute Dinge zum Schreiben habe. Sorry.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Fetal Heart Rate At 34
and I was like, 'end'.
Gestern hab' ich meinen Tag damit zugebracht, mich unwohl zu fühlen,
Und mitten im Bio lernen hab' ich meinen Schülerkalender durchgeguckt.
Ich hab' so einen, der total vollgeschrieben ist; alle meine Termine sind drin, meine Hausaufgaben (die ich natürlich immer erledige, haha.), Dinge, die meine Freunde reingeschrieben haben, und so weiter.
Und an dem Tag, an dem ich mich mit IHM (haha.) getroffen have are everywhere fattest heart, my calendar is full with his name, and so on.
could not. Yesterday I realized that I really want nothing from him. Really nothing.
Sure, he looks good, I like him, he's nice. But what fascinates me about him is really just that he does not want me. And he is perfect to fit in a hineinzusteigern Andys. The
me was so clear and I've got the stuff ripped out, painted over, somehow rausradiert halt. If I
icq anmache, I seek still his first name. He is never on or something, we never write, and it irritates me to see even really, that he's not there. And if he is there, it irritates me him to not write, or write to him and one probably. get a response.
Actually I want all this but did not, and it is a waste of time. Total waste of time.
I mean, it brings me to constantly think about a guy who does not want me, and I really do not even want? Exactly. Nothing.
So should I stop to convince myself that I want something from him. Will I ever had. I think at least.
eyes on, look ahead, always open to new things, haha. (Aaand, Attention: depressed girl set:) If want me for a time.
EDIT: it's online, hahaha, and I sit here and am looking forward. shit.
Gestern hab' ich meinen Tag damit zugebracht, mich unwohl zu fühlen,
Und mitten im Bio lernen hab' ich meinen Schülerkalender durchgeguckt.
Ich hab' so einen, der total vollgeschrieben ist; alle meine Termine sind drin, meine Hausaufgaben (die ich natürlich immer erledige, haha.), Dinge, die meine Freunde reingeschrieben haben, und so weiter.
Und an dem Tag, an dem ich mich mit IHM (haha.) getroffen have are everywhere fattest heart, my calendar is full with his name, and so on.
could not. Yesterday I realized that I really want nothing from him. Really nothing.
Sure, he looks good, I like him, he's nice. But what fascinates me about him is really just that he does not want me. And he is perfect to fit in a hineinzusteigern Andys. The
me was so clear and I've got the stuff ripped out, painted over, somehow rausradiert halt. If I
icq anmache, I seek still his first name. He is never on or something, we never write, and it irritates me to see even really, that he's not there. And if he is there, it irritates me him to not write, or write to him and one probably. get a response.
Actually I want all this but did not, and it is a waste of time. Total waste of time.
I mean, it brings me to constantly think about a guy who does not want me, and I really do not even want? Exactly. Nothing.
So should I stop to convince myself that I want something from him. Will I ever had. I think at least.
eyes on, look ahead, always open to new things, haha. (Aaand, Attention: depressed girl set:) If want me for a time.
EDIT: it's online, hahaha, and I sit here and am looking forward. shit.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Is It Haram For Women To Masterbat
meine Hände riechen nach Spüli, und ich fühle mich wie ausgekotzt.
das Leben überfordert mich, meine Umgebung nervt mich an, die Leute sind alle daneben, vielleicht bin es auch nur ich. mein Hals fängt an, wehzutun, und ich jammer rum. höre viel zu viel musik von deprimierten Menschen, die sich manchmal gar nicht deprimierend anhört, aber sie deprimiert mich. oder mir wird schlecht. andauernd wird mir schlecht, von Songs, und das ist absolut unschön.
nein, ich bin nicht schwanger, und nein, das ist auch nicht erst seit Kurzem. wer lila trägt, wird nicht schwanger. wurde mir gestern beigebracht, und das glaube ich natürlich.
ich weiß nicht recht, was ich to write, so servier I once again my soul crap. knows their Sundays? I mean, obviously, but those Sundays on which they sit around and you just do 'what you want, but nothing can be done right because it simply does not ? you can not. because something defends against it, whether it's now the body or head, or just whatever. no idea. such a day is today. namely deluxe. write it like that? I write 'something not often. but I think so. pussy deluxe, bitchesss.
you do not know even how many posts I started, but was rejected again. my head is on strike. I sink in Schulkram in life and in the sinking itself sounds illogical. and it is. but I'm holding. excused.
I hope that I will someday again creative and so on. up to that kiss. ** There may
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Where To Buy Beyblades Australia
Currywurst in the test ... A year
Currywurst-Test hier
Das war Link den ich neulich von jemanden bekommen habe.
Da habe ich nicht schlecht gestaunt als ich vom Hofer
Katastrophen -Imbiss gelesen habe. Ich als Berlinerin
und Currywurst Kennerin schwöre ja auf das Curry 36 in Berlin ,
Mehringdamm. Immer wenn ich dort bin, wird eine Currywurst
Here I have been looking for a reasonable alternative ...
Fleischkäsbrötchen ... well ...
Debrezinger ... hmmm ....
Bratworscht is ... so ...
Today I was in the disaster-aways and what can I say
, it was damn tasty!
Moderate prices and a visually lovely platter garnished
made to benefit fully yammi .... ....
I drove past it 1,000 times already and would not kick
of a kind, attentive Followers of this escaped me!
Thanks ;-) @ Throki
Das war Link den ich neulich von jemanden bekommen habe.
Da habe ich nicht schlecht gestaunt als ich vom Hofer
Katastrophen -Imbiss gelesen habe. Ich als Berlinerin
und Currywurst Kennerin schwöre ja auf das Curry 36 in Berlin ,
Mehringdamm. Immer wenn ich dort bin, wird eine Currywurst
Here I have been looking for a reasonable alternative ...
Fleischkäsbrötchen ... well ...
Debrezinger ... hmmm ....
Bratworscht is ... so ...
Today I was in the disaster-aways and what can I say
, it was damn tasty!
Moderate prices and a visually lovely platter garnished
made to benefit fully yammi .... ....
I drove past it 1,000 times already and would not kick
of a kind, attentive Followers of this escaped me!
Thanks ;-) @ Throki
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Vintage Chic Lamp Shades With Stand
In November 2009 I got my Lapptop and a great love
took its course!
I had not ever smoked I need one?
I had not always nagging my children when I'm "very short"
went to the Net? Well that was then end, for my Läppi
is my great love and nothing and nobody can take me!
Then I signed up on Twitter and was only
intimidated because all were so familiar with each other. The @ FrolleinEulchen
Followerin was my first, I thank her today * * knutsch
my restraint, but then he pretty quickly
given when the first nice Follower chatted with me and I am
followerfriday further recommended. I kept it because it helped me very early
more People become acquainted with and to follow.
Twitter This world is a microcosm of our actual life and
is addictive! I know what I mean .... Some examples:
I get up and see quickly if Twitter is still there ... or I'll buy from
must look urgently and if I have a
Mention ... My opinion is also what happens great, because
I must now, you guessed it, tweet it all!
I have such nice people on my TL I know in RL
hätte.Da never learned my love @ wonnie80 with which I have done so on the TL
all kinds of nonsense would be. Our qualified
Comments on American Idol or the Super Talent
were legendary and gave us an extra account (@ die3Verrueckten)! There we started our Internet
career, but that's another story and another
tells time!
I also know some may already be there and there are a few to
* hach * Even a Twitter love story, I experience now, it's just great
... (not me!)
I can not list them all but I like you all very much. My Twitter
large family, one is always there to chat ...
I thank you!
In November 2009 I got my Lapptop and a great love
took its course!
I had not ever smoked I need one?
I had not always nagging my children when I'm "very short"
went to the Net? Well that was then end, for my Läppi
is my great love and nothing and nobody can take me!
Then I signed up on Twitter and was only
intimidated because all were so familiar with each other. The @ FrolleinEulchen
Followerin was my first, I thank her today * * knutsch
my restraint, but then he pretty quickly
given when the first nice Follower chatted with me and I am
followerfriday further recommended. I kept it because it helped me very early
more People become acquainted with and to follow.
Twitter This world is a microcosm of our actual life and
is addictive! I know what I mean .... Some examples:
I get up and see quickly if Twitter is still there ... or I'll buy from
must look urgently and if I have a
Mention ... My opinion is also what happens great, because
I must now, you guessed it, tweet it all!
I have such nice people on my TL I know in RL
hätte.Da never learned my love @ wonnie80 with which I have done so on the TL
all kinds of nonsense would be. Our qualified
Comments on American Idol or the Super Talent
were legendary and gave us an extra account (@ die3Verrueckten)! There we started our Internet
career, but that's another story and another
tells time!
I also know some may already be there and there are a few to
* hach * Even a Twitter love story, I experience now, it's just great
... (not me!)
I can not list them all but I like you all very much. My Twitter
large family, one is always there to chat ...
I thank you!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Capllaries On The Cheek
A great idea,
when you win a trip to Paris (;:
What do you need for
Man is his favorite brand, the favorite trend a &,
adds the widget as such? left, a small report about it & finished blogging.
There's also still a really cute bracelet on top!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Authorised Letter For New Internet
I want to write write write, but my head is empty.
I move I want, but take my feet me any more.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Role Of Phenylpropanamide
's Handbag ...
Today was again one of the days when somehow everything went wrong ....
nozzle So fast in the city, for the love @ Schnee_Eule needed
vacuum cleaner bags! So far, so good ... arrived in buying land, they sought
Once a purchase land ... The employees are running around constantly there
else, but today was not one to see!
@ Schnee_Eule got slit eyes and I am quickly verkrümmelte
something to holen.Sie now met on an employee of this store
and asked for the vacuum cleaner bags for her there, resurrected
vacuum that hergab in its interior no evidence of a number
or like stammering confused .... what the lady from the information booth .
Man ashamed even to have them disturbed and now it was cute.
The employee of the month we have had * not * easily irritated by this insolence
a customer, to bring them from their dream land.
Bored, she said "they call the info number."
Thank you dear fellow of boredom, you have the @ Schnee_Eule wirlich
very geholfen.Sie knew right away what number you my test and have thus triggered a tiny
aggressive attack with her! Many thanks!
I have heard eight courses on a furious @ Schnee_Eule
the clamoring and cursing at me to kam.Sie had a step on his body like an elephant
and customers the crossed paths were hastily aside, and so many
not trust in their vicinity . They railed against this filth
Laden and was frustrated again to be taken in by a super duper-saving offer!
Would not the first time, she has often unlucky with here Purchases
gehabt.Ich had yet to the cashier and she complained loudly and uncontrollably in front of
hin.Der customer behind us seemed very pleased to sein.Er moved so close to my body to
yes to every word verstehen.Die poor cashier was quite nervous, I would
with such customers ... left stamping and swearing we
this temple of ignorance and got into the car.
laid Now she really begins ... @ Schnee_Eule works in the restaurant and
must be able to answer each question score that is easy verlangt.Sie
of it can not on the question of a guest who say the cheese is:
'call them in France. "
One would have really on the device, which was still available for sale to see for can ...
Service desert Germany ....
yes, then so quickly Flash drive home, and in the turning lane are
remain to leave a car over ... At the wheel of a screaming old man who got the curve does not
and soon scraped our car! I said, "A Franke stop!"
and @ Schnee_Eule replied: "Ick does get signed to the same ma Wat'n Berlin, and kloppen uff the face!"
Yes it is always lovely and of great entertainment value! The vacuum cleaner bags
we have now also been found, but certainly not by the information of the drowsy
Kauflandtusse ...
nozzle So fast in the city, for the love @ Schnee_Eule needed
vacuum cleaner bags! So far, so good ... arrived in buying land, they sought
Once a purchase land ... The employees are running around constantly there
else, but today was not one to see!
@ Schnee_Eule got slit eyes and I am quickly verkrümmelte
something to holen.Sie now met on an employee of this store
and asked for the vacuum cleaner bags for her there, resurrected
vacuum that hergab in its interior no evidence of a number
or like stammering confused .... what the lady from the information booth .
Man ashamed even to have them disturbed and now it was cute.
The employee of the month we have had * not * easily irritated by this insolence
a customer, to bring them from their dream land.
Bored, she said "they call the info number."
Thank you dear fellow of boredom, you have the @ Schnee_Eule wirlich
very geholfen.Sie knew right away what number you my test and have thus triggered a tiny
aggressive attack with her! Many thanks!
I have heard eight courses on a furious @ Schnee_Eule
the clamoring and cursing at me to kam.Sie had a step on his body like an elephant
and customers the crossed paths were hastily aside, and so many
not trust in their vicinity . They railed against this filth
Laden and was frustrated again to be taken in by a super duper-saving offer!
Would not the first time, she has often unlucky with here Purchases
gehabt.Ich had yet to the cashier and she complained loudly and uncontrollably in front of
hin.Der customer behind us seemed very pleased to sein.Er moved so close to my body to
yes to every word verstehen.Die poor cashier was quite nervous, I would
with such customers ... left stamping and swearing we
this temple of ignorance and got into the car.
laid Now she really begins ... @ Schnee_Eule works in the restaurant and
must be able to answer each question score that is easy verlangt.Sie
of it can not on the question of a guest who say the cheese is:
'call them in France. "
One would have really on the device, which was still available for sale to see for can ...
Service desert Germany ....
yes, then so quickly Flash drive home, and in the turning lane are
remain to leave a car over ... At the wheel of a screaming old man who got the curve does not
and soon scraped our car! I said, "A Franke stop!"
and @ Schnee_Eule replied: "Ick does get signed to the same ma Wat'n Berlin, and kloppen uff the face!"
Yes it is always lovely and of great entertainment value! The vacuum cleaner bags
we have now also been found, but certainly not by the information of the drowsy
Kauflandtusse ...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Dang Shen During Pregnancy
It is beautiful, and you rejoice. and you move on and on, and the beauty is declining and it is getting uglier and uglier, and then you're there, arrived.
It is beautiful, and you rejoice. and you move on and on, and the beauty is declining and it is getting uglier and uglier, and then you're there, arrived.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Does Herpes Show On Pubes
Münchberger City Festival
eigendlich .... I have known only in red
Well, we are located in Upper Franconia ....
Das sag ich auch immer!
Was für ein schöner Tag,sogar der
Cappuccino lachte...
Die Pulschnitz,ein ruhiger Platz in
Münchberg.Aber heuer voll mit
Ständen und Menschen...
Wir beginnen pflichtgemäss am Start...
Noch ist nicht viel los,aber das hat sich schnell
Das kleine Auto fand ich total niedlich,durfte ich
leider nicht mitnehmen...Schade....
Ahhhhh,hier wurde es interessant,habe gleich
gestöbert und das erste Teil erstan den.
Hier gab es leckere Kalorienbomben...
bloss nicht stehen bleiben!
Musikalisch wurde auch was geboten.
Music to go sozusagen...
So here I am soon become weak! Bin
quickly moved on ...
What a killer part, who needs
thing like that?
Flying is more like something for me, but
should already be an engine tuned ...
holiday feeling in a bistro,
palm trees, sun and nice people ....
on the salad a little flower,
I found the totally chic and it also tasted
A sundae de Luxe for Men,
tasted so it was him ....
Well, we are located in Upper Franconia ....
Cappuccino lachte...
Die Pulschnitz,ein ruhiger Platz in
Münchberg.Aber heuer voll mit
Ständen und Menschen...
leider nicht mitnehmen...Schade....
gestöbert und das erste Teil erstan den.
bloss nicht stehen bleiben!
Music to go sozusagen...
quickly moved on ...
thing like that?
should already be an engine tuned ...
palm trees, sun and nice people ....
I found the totally chic and it also tasted
tasted so it was him ....
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I Had Pancreatitis But Am Not An Alcoholic
Friday, September 17, 2010
Cb Radio Linear Amplifiers
The Fall: Kismet
Was für wundervolle Bilder....Ich liebe diesen Film und die Musik passt auch super... Geniesst es und vielleicht macht es Lust auf diesen Film....
Was für wundervolle Bilder....Ich liebe diesen Film und die Musik passt auch super... Geniesst es und vielleicht macht es Lust auf diesen Film....
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Some Ergonomic Monitor
quite nice!
here gonna be a recommendation, thihi
here gonna be a recommendation, thihi
Sunday, September 12, 2010
0x800ccc6f Outlook 554 Sorry
the pleasant hum of dynamos has turned into an annoying whine, I rage through the night, the red traffic light, a car passes me. the police will drive past, once, twice. I'm not, not at home, no place where I feel comfortable. sitting alone in my chaos, white not where I use the to clean up start, do not know where the front is where the rear. dreaming too much, like, "What sweet, something that sparkles, which melts on the tongue.
dawn, dusk, the sun rises.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Slogan For A Tanning Salon
'you have to eat everything! "She says. 'Is not', I say. 'That's not enough, "she says. 'I know' I say.
she looks at me concerned, I reply, I was bad. she looks even more apprehensive.
you would like to say that this was not so bad. is not true.
you would like to say that she has complicity, because it's already bad before I went and they sent me anyway for guitar lessons, so I am now worse off right, namely. dare not.
say so, just nothing. wants to put my, it's that I tee. she makes me tea.
a whole, large jug full of 'hot love'. favorite tea.
it is the best. ♥
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Lo Que Sucedio A Un Mozo
The apple grows and grows ... Part 2
Thank you for your lovely tips and your concern for the tree of knowledge ...
Yes, he is getting heavier and we look with concern on our problem child,
for he has clearly increased and the twig bends would be dangerous ...
Har, har ... our apple compote is within reach and we are running already, the
mouth water zusammen.Gut things take time, I understand that now.
I can wait and whet ever my paring knife ...
Yes, he is getting heavier and we look with concern on our problem child,
for he has clearly increased and the twig bends would be dangerous ...
Har, har ... our apple compote is within reach and we are running already, the
mouth water zusammen.Gut things take time, I understand that now.
I can wait and whet ever my paring knife ...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Electric Box Candystand Solution Level 41
outdoor performance of "The Heretic" on the stone forest ...
That was something different ... Something must indeed be culture times, and as I was with @ Schnee_Eule in the name of modern education in the Waldstein participated to the presentation by the actor to have been held on lauschen.Wir's most excellent and will be there again next time ...
The plot is a brief guide:
John Reichel of Münchberg lands in 1427 in prison because he was his opinion freely
geäüßert hatte.Er followers of the church reformer Jan Hus, representing the approximately 100 years before Martin Luther, a similar thought as dieser.Doch in the Middle Ages was the
heresy and later the death was at stake.
That was something different ... Something must indeed be culture times, and as I was with @ Schnee_Eule in the name of modern education in the Waldstein participated to the presentation by the actor to have been held on lauschen.Wir's most excellent and will be there again next time ...
Schnee_Eule's Blog
The plot is a brief guide:
John Reichel of Münchberg lands in 1427 in prison because he was his opinion freely
geäüßert hatte.Er followers of the church reformer Jan Hus, representing the approximately 100 years before Martin Luther, a similar thought as dieser.Doch in the Middle Ages was the
heresy and later the death was at stake.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Install Navigation In Ridgeline
Berlin youths attacked a small village in Franconia ...
My little rascals who spent the holidays here, so we all have fun together
gehabt.Schnell they settled in and discovered the village life for themselves
that is not even!
in one barn and that's it then ... "It stinks!" explained to me the least and munched before the PSP3 ...
had in the garden we will soon pull out ... by force or bribe with candy, for them as it was too hot ...
in the living room, we had converted into a bedroom and game room was up in the
dolls and then slept gezockt.Zum food but they came down it was, because I refused to bringen.Die just something guys would even then be grown. .. And it seemed to me like a swarm of locusts from ... where they had no choice but hold back ... I have had huge shopping and people have already figured I pitiful ... How do families with more children? .. .
times a walk was an adventure ... "Where are we going and how long? I Thirsty!
I do not want more ... Goofy ... we can not drive a car? "Were the most frequently heard statements.
Well, I love my grandchildren and wanted to make them, of course, as nice as possible and so I invited them in the zoo and eating ice cream ... Guess what they said ...!?
"Oh no, we have a play date and must be the same on!" Another time I wanted to go to the lake and said dryly, "We have no desire, and have forgotten our bathing suit ..." Yes, I was disappointed but not discouraged .... I have not given up and lured them with DVD's and made the evening with them at least I won something ...
... There was her favorite food and we have so talked really nice ... It's really hard work to satisfy the kids and their goodwill to have erlangenWir us honestly put effort to the Berlin brood not so pleased to stellen.Gar easy ... There is no Kloppereien unless you go to a late hour, a meadow or city festival ... Also, no rival gangs, not burglars and no McDoof in the area ... We have only home-made stress! They found, however, Twitter really interesting and like to read the timeline, but they were with me agree that we remain anonymous wollen.So I have brought them nor the dangers of the net near and hope they understand it .... but I probably read it sometime on Facebook, because everyone in her school to do ... peer pressure containing ! What the hell, they found it Oberhammer Geil here ... What can I say, I'm tired and am looking forward to next time!
gehabt.Schnell they settled in and discovered the village life for themselves
that is not even!
in one barn and that's it then ... "It stinks!" explained to me the least and munched before the PSP3 ...
had in the garden we will soon pull out ... by force or bribe with candy, for them as it was too hot ...
in the living room, we had converted into a bedroom and game room was up in the
dolls and then slept gezockt.Zum food but they came down it was, because I refused to bringen.Die just something guys would even then be grown. .. And it seemed to me like a swarm of locusts from ... where they had no choice but hold back ... I have had huge shopping and people have already figured I pitiful ... How do families with more children? .. .
times a walk was an adventure ... "Where are we going and how long? I Thirsty!
I do not want more ... Goofy ... we can not drive a car? "Were the most frequently heard statements.
Well, I love my grandchildren and wanted to make them, of course, as nice as possible and so I invited them in the zoo and eating ice cream ... Guess what they said ...!?
"Oh no, we have a play date and must be the same on!" Another time I wanted to go to the lake and said dryly, "We have no desire, and have forgotten our bathing suit ..." Yes, I was disappointed but not discouraged .... I have not given up and lured them with DVD's and made the evening with them at least I won something ...
... There was her favorite food and we have so talked really nice ... It's really hard work to satisfy the kids and their goodwill to have erlangenWir us honestly put effort to the Berlin brood not so pleased to stellen.Gar easy ... There is no Kloppereien unless you go to a late hour, a meadow or city festival ... Also, no rival gangs, not burglars and no McDoof in the area ... We have only home-made stress! They found, however, Twitter really interesting and like to read the timeline, but they were with me agree that we remain anonymous wollen.So I have brought them nor the dangers of the net near and hope they understand it .... but I probably read it sometime on Facebook, because everyone in her school to do ... peer pressure containing ! What the hell, they found it Oberhammer Geil here ... What can I say, I'm tired and am looking forward to next time!
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