Bürger zur Freiheit! - Dokumentation Höchberger manifesto
citizens to freedom!
We are convinced that it is the goal of liberal politics that free citizens make their living together in civil society freely.
Grundlagen für die Erreichung dieses Zieles sind:
Die Achtung der Rechte des einzelnen und der Bürgerrechte, Privateigentum und die Achtung der Eigentumsrechte, freier Zugang aller zu allen Märkten, Verbot der wirtschaftlichen Betätigung des Staates, Kontrolle und Begrenzung von Macht.
Diese Grundlagen bilden den Wesensgehalt einer liberalen Verfassung. Diese verstehen wir als Ordnungsrahmen für die Spielregeln der Bürgergesellschaft.
society and the state
we do in all walks of life expand the spaces for the public and push back the role of government to the bare essentials. This includes the recognition of the ability of citizens to organize the civil society itself. Civil society is the sum of the communities in which citizens govern all affairs of the society itself.
We want to eliminate the crippling state redistribution and the entitlement mentality created by him. In place of the subsidy and services expected to connect the personal initiative of citizens. Citizens in voluntary cooperation in its own facilities to provide all necessary services as the state with its inefficient coercive apparatus.
Wir wollen den Rechtsstaat auf seine ursprüngliche Aufgabe zurückführen, Rechtssicherheit für jedermann zu garantieren. Dazu bedarf es weniger, einsichtiger und leicht verständlicher Normen. Der Rechtsmittelstaat, den der Bürger nur noch mit Hilfe teurer Fachanwälte can claim, it must be replaced by simple legal process that can commit to themselves.
police and prisons in their present form are unable to guarantee legal security to the satisfaction of citizens. They are privatized. The national police should be restricted to the task of protecting the constitutional system envisaged by the framework.
Taxation and Finance
We want a tax system for citizens understand, understand, and few is stressful. We want a tax system that the living conditions of all citizens. This is made possible by the "negative tax".
In the future, only collects personal income tax and VAT. All other taxes are abolished. We want the same performance will never be taxed twice. The municipalities finance their duties, fees, contributions, and - effective rate of assessment - impact on VAT.
The personal income tax is subject to no progression and no higher than 25 Percent. Both should be laid down in the Constitution. The VAT rates can be different for different goods and services. Revenue surpluses to the citizens to be repaid.
For a state to which the citizens have limited to the bare essentials, there is no justification for Schuldenmacherei. Therefore, the state may have no long-term debt. Cash-effective laws must be temporary and require a qualified majority. This is to be anchored in the Constitution.
We all want to state social security systems replace private. There is only a statutory requirement for minimum insurance in the areas of health, care, unemployment and old age.
All government social transfers should be abolished. There are no labor costs more. decide in a free society the people themselves, what they spend their money. Therefore, they control their own pension
For those citizens and those with special circumstances can not provide for themselves and ensure that no one else who acts as a negative control office of the civil society.
We want to achieve freedom and responsibility in education. Therefore, we abolish the state monopoly on education. The citizens decide how and where their children acquire the necessary education, and pay for them.
The state is limited to a framework legislation. This regulates the meaning of the basic constitutional values of the standards for self-control of educational institutions.
Basic education is funded by the negative control in the form of vouchers for all citizens from the fund.
economic and competitive
We want an economy that is in the increase of freedom, personal responsibility and private property. Only creates a high prosperity for all citizens. Therefore, the economy must be freed from all government requirements. All economies emanates from the citizens and not by the state.
A functioning economy requires free competition. He must not be distorted by government from private action. Subsidies is therefore no room for more. The safeguarding of free competition is to be anchored in the Constitution.
corresponds to the free competition within the Free trade in the world. We want the abolition of all trade barriers and the opening of all markets.
We do the organizing power of property for an environmental release, home to the citizens happy. Where resources are not privately owned, they are wasted in an irresponsible manner. Costs and gains from the use and production resources must be part of the prices.
we do for working people and goods transportation. All state institutions are privatized. By market prices of the competition between different modes of transport must be ensured. This is the Price distortion between individual and collective transport eliminated. The transport market will ensure that more citizens are choosing the right transportation. In the communities can be reduced through user rates for cities, the traffic load.
We want the free access of all to all information and communication. Therefore, all should be abolished public radio and television stations. This also eliminates the corresponding penalty fees.
The state is limited to a legal framework for all media. This ensures the respect for privacy and the fundamental values of the Constitution by the operator and editor. The frequencies are traded under the competition law compliance on an exchange.
We want a culture that the citizens want to make yourself or pay. Culture is the sum total of what private. This means that the state has no place in the culture of anything.
We want all private spending on culture, particularly of the sponsorship will be considered fully tax.
Wir verstehen Europa als eine Gemeinschaft, in der Frieden und Wohlstand gesichert und unsere Werte geschützt werden. Dieses Europa steht allen europäischen Staaten offen, die unsere Werte teilen und Teil des europäischen Kulturraums sind.
Wir wollen ein Europa der freien Bürger mit den vier Grundfreiheiten, Free movement of persons, goods and capital and freedom of establishment.
Only a Europe of competition between the various civil society, citizens can be free. We therefore reject the Europe from the harmonization. Therefore, there is no European government in our Europe, no European bureaucracy and not a European Parliament. The necessary cooperation tasks in our European federation of sovereign states, the Council of Ministers and have cross-border regions, which are formed by the municipalities. The Council of Ministers responsible private organizations with the preparation and implementation of necessary measures. If It does not concern the fundamental freedoms decide each Member State, which Council decisions he joins or not.
We want a review of the entire body of EU principles and methods of using this program.
We do not want foreigners, adhering to our Constitution, may live with us. All they need to support themselves, as our citizens. They are also subject the statutory minimum compulsory insurance. If foreigners can become Swiss citizens, they are all civil rights including the rights of the negative control. Not decide on naturalization, the authorities and courts, but the community in the lives of naturalization seeker, following the example of Switzerland. Multiple citizenships are allowed.
refugees are housed in refugee camps. The goal is to repatriate as quickly as possible. Asylum seekers are treated like refugees. The camps are run by private and federally funded. The federal government sets the budget for the camp and therefore the number The refugees set to be included. For refugees not to return, the rules apply to foreigners.
We want a defense on a voluntary basis. Therefore, military or alternative service should be abolished and not forced by new state services ("universal service obligation") to replace. The Bundeswehr is a purely professional army and its raison d'être is solely defense. Aggressive foreign policy, involvement in "other people's affairs" and costly, life and property of our citizens are opposed to wars of intervention, we rigorously. Material procurement and infrastructure of the armed forces subject to the rules of the market.
World Trade
We want a world free trade. Free trade promotes world peace and prosperity. This had all the technical and tariff barriers of individual countries and trading blocs will be abolished.
must also be included in the resources of world trade, which so far are not privately owned and for which there is currently no market regularities.
development cooperation
We want to replace the development cooperation through global free trade and private initiative. This fundamental reform of the World Bank and IMF, in particular the elimination of agricultural protectionism in Europe and among the world. Under private initiative, we understand the help in the establishment of free and responsible civil societies in developing countries.
The worldwide liberalization of technology, capital and currency markets is a priority. This is the state interventionism, which inhibits the development, drawn from the ground.
The development policy, and UN agencies are distorting and abolished.
state functions
We want a state that meets the absolutely necessary tasks efficiently. According to our ideas of the state is limited to regulatory functions. The necessary staff is still employed by private lines. Public services is abolished.
system of government
In a free civil society, power control and power-sharing is crucial. Despite official commitment to this principle, it does not conform with today's constitutional bodies in reality.
We therefore want to make the parliaments, governments and voluntary professional. The government is appointed and dismissed by Parliament. Members of Parliament may not be members of the government. The parliaments should not be formulated in future regulations, the laws are called, but make political decisions of strategic significance or direction of the constitution. Wherever possible, the government also operate in the execution of the remaining tasks of private service providers. In this context, as the mission transferred to the Federal Court of individuals.
The members of the government are paid according to private sector criteria. They make up their pension - as well as citizens - themselves, the Federal President in an honorary capacity.
We want the government to present to the citizens of the state bills in full, understandable and timely manner.
organization of the political process
We do not dictate to the citizens as they participate in the political process. Those citizens who wish to form themselves into parties must do so freely and can do from scratch. We therefore reject a state party funding and the anchoring of parties into the Constitution.
As with the cultural expenditure of the citizens for political activities inside and outside of parties, similarly to the patronage fully tax. In political organizations have put on public accounts.
Political organizations and parties are allowed to operate economically.
Understanding the author of this text it as the program of a modern liberal party at the beginning of the new millennium.
Jessica Gaiß, Dietmar-Dominik Hennig, Clemens Launer